
Listed below are the most widely used programs for federal and state education 好处. A brief overview of each program is provided. 学生 who wish to verify enrollment at ISU must follow 这些指令.


  • Transfer of 9/11后的退伍军人法案 Benefits to Dependents (TEB): Service members enrolled in the 9/11后的退伍军人法案® Program may be able to transfer unused educational 好处 to their spouses or children.
  • 学费补助充值: Using Top-Up 好处 may be an option for individuals who plan to use tuition assistance (TA) to complete a degree program while on active duty. Top-up can be helpful for just taking a few courses with TA while on active duty; then individuals can save most of their 退伍军人权利法》 好处 for after service to complete an education program.

Tuition assistance versus the 部门 of 退伍军人事务部 education 好处

All Service members utilizing tuition assistance should speak with their Educational 服务 Officers (ESO) or counselor within their military service prior to enrolling at Indiana State University or any institution of higher education.  W在这里as military funding is limited, it is important for all service members to use all their resources in making any educational decision.

While the TA program is offered by the services, the 部门 of 退伍军人事务部 administers a variety of 教育福利计划. 一些退伍军人管理局的项目, such as the Post-9/11 退伍军人 Education Assistance Act of 2008, also known as the 9/11后的退伍军人法案, can work well with the TA program, as it can supplement fees 不 covered by TA. In addition, the 9/11后的退伍军人法案® funds are available to you after you leave the military. If your service ended before Jan. 1, 2013, you have 15 years to use this benefit. If your service ended on or after Jan. 1, 2013, the benefit won’t expire. The TA program is a benefit that is available only while you’re in the service.

Tuition assistance 好处 and restrictions

Tuition assistance will cover the following expenses:

  • Tuition: $250 per credit hour directly to the University.  

NOTE: All fees must directly relate to the specific course enrollment of the service member.

Tuition assistance will 不 cover the following expenses:

  • 书籍和课程材料
  • 飞行训练费
  • 同样的课程上两次课
  • Continuing education units, or CEUs

记住,助教会  资助你的大学课程, and you will have to reimburse any funds already paid, if any of the following situations occur:

  • Leaving the service before the course ends
  • Quitting the course for reasons other than personal illness, military transfer or mission requirements
  • 不及格


Each military branch has its own TA application form and procedures. 来了解如何开始, visit your local installation education center, go online to a virtual education center or click on the following links for each service branc


退伍军人权利法》® is a registered trademark of the U.S. 部门 of 退伍军人事务部 (VA). More information about education 好处 offered by VA is available at the official U.S. 政府网站 www.好处.va.gov / gibill.

Important: The information on this Web site is 不 intended to be a comprehensive guide for all 好处 and eligibility requirements.
For complete guidelines, visit the following sites: 退伍军人事务部 或者是 Indiana Commission for Higher Education Division of Student 金融援助.